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Ouzo and sardelles pastesIt is easy to see why the cuisine of Lesvos is considered by many to be the best in Greece. Stand on any beach or mountain side on Northeastern or Eastern Lesvos and the coast of Asia Minor is so close you can see towns and villages. It was from these shores the recipes of the Greeks of Asia Minor came along with the Greek refugees who made the island of Lesvos their first stop in the first part of the 20th century. Many of them made Lesvos their home while some moved on. But the dishes they brought with them became part of the cuisine of Lesvos, which was no ordinary Greek island. Rich in fertile farmland, olive groves, fish and fowl, Lesvos was not a land of poor farmers trying to eke out an existence in difficult conditions, as on many Greek islands. Lesvos had cities, large towns, industry, and imported and exported a number of products with its neighbor to the east and to the west. The refugees from Asia Minor did not bring good food and culture to Lesvos. They added to the food and culture which was already in place and had been for centuries.

This site contains some of my favorite dishes from Lesvos, and comes from friends, some with restaurants, some who just cook for their families. They are in many cases the recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation, and in some cases they are the same traditional recipes that you find all over Greece with a unique twist that makes them somehow Lesbian (or Mytilinian). Unlike many other web sites with recipes I have made this easy to use There are no pop-up ads that you have to click on to make them go away so you can continue reading or cooking. It is easy to print out individual pages to put on your refrigerator door. In fact the only advertising is at the bottom of the page in the form of a banner and a link to my web site Lesvos: More Than Just Another Greek Island which is more of an invitation than an ad. It is an invitation to visit one of the most beautiful islands in Greece, if not the world. An island with amazing beaches, mountains and forests, traditional villages, towns and cities and fish. Lots of fish. And people who know how to cook them, and just about everything else.

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